

  • HR Outsourcing

    • Interim or Ongoing HR Support
    • Strategic Advisory
    • Job Description Review
    • Recruiting Support
  • Compensation

    • Market Analysis
    • Salary Structure Development
    • Pay Equity
    • Job Leveling and Grade Criteria
    • Executive Compensation
    • Compensation Advisory
  • Performance Management

    • Process Design and Redesign
    • Change Management Strategy
    • Communication Strategy
    • Pay for Performance Integration
    • Technology Configuration 
    • Succession Planning 


  • Assessments

    • HR Assessment (compliance, infrastructure, effectiveness)
    • Organizational Assessment
  • Surveys

    • HR Service Delivery
    • Employee Experience
    • DEIB Experience
    • Custom Surveys
  • HRIS Consulting

    • Vendor Selection
    • Implementation
    • Optimization
  • Handbooks and Policies

    • Handbooks
    • Policy Revision/Development
  • HR Training

    • Anti-Harassment
    • HR for Non-HR
    • Interview Skills
    • Custom Training
  • Inclusive Culture Alignment

    • Assessment
    • Facilitation
    • Action Planning
  • DEIB Strategic Advisory & Consulting

    • Leadership Preparedness
    • Journey Mapping
    • DEIB Committees or Councils
    • Employee Resource Groups
    • Program and Policy Assessments and Revisions
    • Thought Partnership
  • DEIB Data Collection

    • Comprehensive Survey (up to 35 questions with 5 open-ended options)
    • Pulse Survey (up to 10 questions)
    • Custom Survey
    • Focus Groups
    • Interviews
  • Leadership Training

    • Managing Relationships and Conflict
    • Leading Performance Management
    • Leading Through Change
    • The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
    • Managing Virtual Teams
    • True Colors of Communication
    • Team Development Workshops
    • Custom Training

Our Training Programs:

  • Harassment Prevention and Respectful Workplace Training
  • HR for Non-HR
  • Interview Skills
  • Foundational DEIB
  • Pronouns in the Workplace
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Allyship
  • Inclusive Communications
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Productive Relationships & Constructive Conversations
  • Leading Performance Management
  • Leading Through Change
  • The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Managing Virtual Teams
  • True Colors of Communication
  • Team Development Workshops
  • Custom Training
  • Train the Trainer Licenses

We are your trusted advisor for all things people

Exude’s differentiators are the insights and results we create by understanding how the core areas of your business, Human Resources, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion/ Belonging, and Leadership Development are interconnected.

Ready to get started?