The Morning Blend: A blend of legal, HR, and best practices updates – 5/15/24

Please join us for our bi-monthly webinar series where Lori Armstrong Halber, Labor and Employment Partner at Fox Rothschild, and Alison DiFlorio, Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Exude Human Capital, will provide timely discussion around the latest updates in employment law and human resources and the best practices employers should consider.
The morning brew will cover legal + HR updates around:
- SCOTUS decision widening the scope of workplace bias suits
- EEOC regulations on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
- NLRB decision – Home Depot
- FTC ruling on noncompetes
- Challenges today to DEI programs
Wednesday, May 15th | 10:00-11:00 am
Presenters: Alison DiFlorio – Co-Founder & Managing Partner | Exude Human Capital
Lori Armstrong Halber – Partner | Fox Rothschild