A US based mid-sized professional services firm, had both an HR and DEIB committee. Each of them wanted to create a strategy to further inclusion and belonging within the organization, but they found themselves overlapping each other. They were struggling to find common ground on how to best work together to create an action plan on how to achieve their mutual goals of increased inclusion and belonging. They quickly determined they would also need to enlist the help of leadership to really be successful.  


We facilitated our proprietary inclusive culture alignment workshop to align together and identify the priorities to move forward. Leadership commitment and training were the two biggest identified. They felt it was necessary to provide their equity partners with the same knowledge, context, and foundation they got with ICA to get the executive level buy-in needed to move forward successfullyAs a follow up engagement, we customized an executive workshop acknowledging what they have done and the positive intent and approach, while also thinking creatively about what the next iteration of inclusion would look like at their firm.  


The collective HR and DEIB committee now have executive sponsorship to move forward having buy-in and alignment of their leadership to increase inclusion and belonging at their firm in a meaningful way.  

Our client said they learned so much from going through this with us and are now feeling excited for the future and trajectory this has shown. They feel much more aligned and feel confident they can expand this to the rest of the organization.  


#inclusionandbelonging #deib #diversityandinclusion #leadershipalignment #committeealignment #deibpriorities