DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Inclusive Culture Alignment
Inclusive Culture Alignment, DEIB Employee Survey and DEIB Strategy

A non-profit volunteer organization was looking for a DEIB assessment and strategic planning.
We broke this down to a three-phase approach. First, we wanted to evaluate, align, and prioritize where they were on their DEIB journey, and where they wanted to be. To do this, we facilitated our proprietary inclusive culture alignment workshop with their leaders to understand and align their current status of 15 different organizational dimensions. Then, we conducted a DEIB survey to gauge where the employees perceived them to be and how they felt. This allowed us additional insights to create an action plan and DEIB strategy that would have buy-in, prioritize objectives based on all levels of input, and have a supported vision to create the culture they all wanted. We also helped to create a communications plan, so they were able to have transparency with their team about this process.
A well-documented and sustainable Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Strategic Plan, complete with clearly defined tactical action steps for the first 3 prioritized areas of focus, leader ownership, and measurable metrics to ensure accountability and continuity. Leveraging insights from the DEIB Employee Survey and the Inclusive Culture Alignment process, the strategic plan explicitly allocates resources (both capital and time) and has garnered heightened engagement from leadership and staff due to its informed approach, alignment with leadership, and board approval. Upon completion of Phase 1 (first 3 dimensions of focus), the remaining phases are identifiable by repeating the alignment conversation and setting 3 new priorities for the next phase. The tool and process evolve as the workforce and organization evolves.
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