Using Coaching to Develop First-Time Leaders

By: Colmon Eldridge, Vice President of Global Development and Membership for the International Coach Federation
Millennials will soon be the majority demographic in the workforce and are increasingly moving into leadership roles. Recent research from the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the Human Capital Institute (HCI), Building a Coaching Culture with Millennial Leaders, found that many individual contributors become first-time people managers between the ages of 31 and 35. As more Millennials enter management positions, they are requesting that current and potential employers invest in their leadership development to prepare them for current and future roles. A great way to do so is through coaching.
Becoming a leader is an exciting opportunity, but it can also be overwhelming. In a recent survey of leaders who received transition coaching at EY, the following engagement indicators were a direct result of coaching: 96 percent understood what drives them, 89 percent were clearer about their role and responsibilities, 80 percent more confidently navigated their environment, 83 percent identified and built the relationships that matter to their success, 80 percent found their footing faster, and 88 percent felt stronger as a leader.
In addition to working with a professional coach practitioner for improved work performance and goal attainment, first-time people managers should also have access to coach-specific training. Using coaching skills with their teams will not only impact the leader’s performance, but it will also improve the performance of both the team overall and each team member.
More importantly, employees want a truly coaching culture within the workplace with more coach-like management styles. When respondents to the ICF/HCI study were asked to list three words they’d use to describe the most effective management style at their organizations, “coaching,” “supportive” and “collaborative” were listed most often. They also selected “coaching and developing others” as the top-rated competency for first-time people managers. A coach approach is less directive, supports more employee empowerment, and places a stronger focus on growth and change.
Access to coaching and coach training is already a developmental opportunity for many executives. Why not expand this access to first-time people managers? After all, as the workforce ages, they will be assuming those executive roles in the future. Equipping leaders with the tools for a more coach-like leadership style early on will no doubt have a positive, long-term impact on your organization.
Exude offers private executive coaching for the “whole leader.” These sessions are customizable to meet your needs. We focus on leadership development as well as self- leadership. Learn more today.