Leading How Work is Worked: Activating the Effort/Art/Science Scale – 7.20

The Effort-Art-Science Scale visualizes a progression model of how work is worked. Effort is out-muscling things. Art is about intentionally organizing the patterns of effort. Science is using the data within patterns to repeat and scale. Saying one is better than another is not effective; it’s about understanding readiness and what is needed now versus what is needed next.
This dynamic panel will discuss how each phase is used and why each have their own purpose. The panelists will draw on their life experiences in business, athletics, and parenting to look at the concept of work holistically. They will also deeply connect the scale to how to advance equity, inclusion, and belonging in all work.
In this webinar you will learn to:
- Understand the differences between each of the three levels and why each are valuable and different.
- Assess individual and organizational readiness to intentionally adopt the right level of working.
- Create moments of self-awareness for individuals to reflect on how to pace their progression and why.
- Recognize potential patterns that can help move an individual or team from effort to art to science.
Learn more by reading Dan Gallagher’s blog on: The Effort – Art – Science Scale: A Progression Model for How Work is Worked | Exude (exudeinc.com)
Kira Russell, Director of Sales, Exude Human Capital
Isaac Jones, Director, Sports & Entertainment, Odyssey Capital Advisors
Dan Gallagher, Managing Director, Exude Human Capital