Five Reasons Why the Increase in Leadership Coaching is a Good Thing

Leadership coaching is all about increasing self-awareness and generating new momentum. While there’s a strong base of leadership development rooted in training programs, the need and the demand for coaching has increased in the past two years. The reasons are tied to the many changes in the way we work plus the many changes in our world. Here are five specific reasons why that increase is a good thing.
- Going into the pandemic, loneliness was a top psychological factor being studied. As working remote has increased isolation, the compounding individual impact is significant. Professional coaching creates community plus a sense of mattering, and that is both meaningful and contagious.
- The intersectionality of leadership, DEI, and wellbeing is real. We are people first, and employees second, and so helping an individual find themselves is of tremendous value. Whether it be a new hire, a new year, or a new pivot, a coach can be an amazing catalyst.
- As folks think about leadership development, learning from exposure and experience are as (if not more) important than education. We teach this in our 3E model for individual development plans and coaching is a great example of where profound learning can happen outside of education.
- Listening and reflecting are two of the greatest leadership muscles out there and like any muscle we need to practice using them to grow the strength. A coaching relationship practices slowing yourself down to speed yourself up. You try new things and you also practice being vulnerable.
- Courage comes from within, but sometimes we need support from others to feel confidence about being courageous. Executive coaches can humanize the experience of being courageous to try new things and be intentional with the rationale of planned initiative or ambition.
Asking for help is hard. Some of the best leaders are those who offer help even without being asked; they sense the need. Wanting or needing a leadership development coach is like wanting or needing a personal trainer or a financial advisor. This is way different than asking for feedback; it’s a deeper journey.
As the movement for mental wellbeing at work runs deeper, offering resources is one of the best ways we can create psychological safety. The idea of needing a coach becomes no different than asking for help from your GPS; it doesn’t change who the driver is, it just gives a little help with directions.
There are many different types of professional coaches out there, and all play an important role. Some coaches don’t call themselves coaches, don’t have certifications, or don’t use psychometric assessments. Others have wonderful credentials, formal training, and preferred tools they use to facilitate the journey. We should celebrate that we need different coaches for different people for different reasons.
I’m a firm believer that the world is a better place because of piggy-back rides. Some days we need to get one, and others we have the gift to give one. The same holds true with leadership coaching. Someone just needs to take the first two steps…one that centers on why/where/how a coach will add value, and one that commits to embracing the coach as a source of new self-awareness and momentum.
If you are interested in learning more about our Leadership Coaching solutions, contact us today: