Exude Human Capital

HR Challenges in Higher Education

Students in the United States have a choice of nearly 4,000 higher education institutions to complete their studies. While having more options benefits students, institutions are under greater pressure to remain competitive.

Human resources (HR) leaders are pivotal in attracting and retaining top talent to drive institutional success. Our guide will explore some common staffing challenges facing HR in higher education and some practical strategies to overcome these obstacles.

Employee Retention in Higher Education

Employee retention is one of the most fundamental higher education HR challenges. Overwhelming workloads, low compensation and a lack of flexible working arrangements are common reasons for resignations among staff.

HR teams can better understand the specific reasons behind staff turnover by conducting exit interviews. By combining a selection of standardized and unstructured questions, they can identify key trends and gain unique insights. HR can then use this information to develop strategies to create a better employee experience and boost retention rates.

Diversity and Inclusion

Developing students’ critical thinking skills is a priority for many higher education institutions. A diverse workforce helps to achieve this goal, as faculty members with different abilities, languages and cultures offer unique perspectives. However, HR leaders need to ensure an inclusive environment to ensure these differences do not lead to conflict. Here are some best practices to consider:

Compensation Strategies

Higher education institutions rely on multiple funding sources to run their operations. However, most of their funding comes from federal, state and local governments.

Over the last decade, government bodies have continuously reduced their funding to higher education institutions, impacting employees’ compensation. The National Education Association confirms this in a survey indicating a 1.6% salary drop.

While HR has limited control over funding, they can address compensation challenges in the following ways:

Salaries are crucial to compensation, yet employees also consider benefits such as health care and pension contributions when they receive a job offer. HR can create a more attractive compensation package by researching which benefits employees value the most.

Performance Management

One of the most significant higher education challenges for HR is evaluating staff performance. As institutions employ a wide range of employees, it can be difficult to determine standardized performance criteria. In addition, staff often have varying responsibilities, making fair evaluations even more complex.

Establishing different performance metrics for each role and communicating the criteria to employees helps to mitigate this challenge. HR can also encourage objectivity by using the following tactics:

Change Management in Higher Ed

Change management in the higher education sector refers to shifts in leadership or organizational structure. Common factors behind these changes include technology advancements, budget cuts or evolving student needs.

People are often resistant to change, making it one of the biggest HR challenges in higher ed. Some best practices to ensure a smoother transition include:

Mental Health Support for Employees

Mental health affects approximately one in five Americans each year. Given the odds, some of your faculty members will likely experience mental health challenges during their careers.

HR can help overcome this challenge by creating relevant mental health initiatives. Some examples include:

Remote Work Policies

Remote work opportunities offer many benefits for employees, such as greater flexibility and improved work-life harmony. As there’s no need to commute to the office, they can also lower staff and student transportation expenses.

While many students enjoy in-person lectures, there is a growing demand for online classes that allow staff to take advantage of remote work schedules. HR can support staff by ensuring access to technology and a reliable Wi-Fi network. In addition, they can provide resources on how employees can manage their routines and overcome distractions in their home setting. Establishing clear remote policies is key for a smooth transition to digital learning.

Strengthen Your HR Team with Exude Human Capital

Acknowledging the numerous HR challenges in the education sector helps your team establish strategies to overcome these obstacles. While this guide offers some helpful tactics, institutions benefit most from expert assistance.

Exude Human Capital is a consulting firm that specializes in HR training. If you’re looking for ways to support your team in navigating the HR challenges in higher education, reach out to us today!

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