Exude Human Capital

Most Common Leadership Styles (and How to Find Yours)

Most Common Leadership Styles (and How to Find Yours)

Leadership styles involve a leader’s methods and behaviors while managing a team. Many factors can influence a leader’s approach, from personal experiences to personality temperaments to organizational culture. Leadership styles are crucial — they can impact a team’s relationship and overall success.

Leaders often use a combination of styles to guide team members and identify the leadership method that best suits the situation. Usually, leaders display one dominant style over others. Understanding your approach helps you determine strengths and areas for improvement. Learning more about the most prevalent leadership styles can help you determine which matches yours most closely.

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In This Article:

6 Most Common Leadership Styles:

  1. Transformational Leadership
  2. Authoritative Leadership
  3. Delegative Leadership
  4. Transactional Leadership
  5. Participative Leadership
  6. Servant Leadership

How to Determine Your Leadership Style

6 Most Common Leadership Styles

You can categorize leadership techniques based on their characteristics and how they impact the team. Each style has specific benefits and drawbacks and might suit some situations better than others.

Here are six frequent leadership methods:

1. Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership focuses on motivation and change. These leaders inspire team members with empathy, dedication and praise. They encourage teams to exceed standard goals, inspiring members to reach their full potential. Transformational leaders usually have a central vision that guides their approach, often based on company values. This leader type is especially common in organizations experiencing restructuring or other significant changes.

Other transformational leadership traits include:

One example of a real-world transformational leader is former president Barack Obama. During his presidency, he focused on comprehensive change for the United States. His speeches and documents used motivational and hopeful themes, inspiring Americans to work hard for a better future.

A transformational leadership style can bring many benefits to teams, such as:

However, these leaders often focus too much on the larger picture and might miss important details of daily work. They should carry their visions into the overlooked areas of company life.

2. Authoritative Leadership

Authoritative leadership takes a mentorship approach to guiding teams. These leaders see themselves as mentors and group members as mentees. They typically thoroughly understand the field and use their expertise to move toward success. Instead of passing out instructions and taking a hands-off approach, authoritative leaders place themselves into workflows. Then, they encourage members to follow their guidelines and suggestions for achievement.

Authoritative leadership also includes characteristics like:

Bill Gates is an industry example of an authoritative leader. He used his extensive field knowledge to move Microsoft in a direction that matched his vision. Using his expertise and motivational techniques, Gates transformed Microsoft into a top-performing global business.

Authoritative leadership has advantages like:

The style can sometimes come across as overbearing. Authoritative leaders shouldn’t micromanage or become so strict with their vision that workplace enthusiasm suffers as a result.

3. Delegative Leadership

Delegative leadership is one of the least invasive forms of guidance. It’s also known as laissez-faire leadership, which is French for “let them do.” The style emphasizes autonomy and creative freedom. These leaders assign tasks to team members, then offer limited supervision. Delegative leaders trust their employees to use their own resources and knowledge to complete tasks and finalize decisions.

Delegative leaders exhibit characteristics like:

Steve Jobs displayed many delegative traits during his leadership role at Apple. He trusted his employees with complex tasks and encouraged them to use their own ideas. Instead of relaying instructions, he allowed workers to use their expertise to design unique solutions.

Benefits of delegative leadership include:

Delegative leaders often face challenges when working with new employees or those that need extra directives. These workers need more support to complete responsibilities and might not meld well with a delegative environment. Leaders should address their team’s needs and adapt to support them as closely as possible.

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4. Transactional Leadership

Transactional leadership concentrates on order and efficiency. Leaders use rewards to reinforce preferred structures and techniques. For example, transactional leaders might use bonuses to compensate workers that follow the correct guidelines. If employees don’t meet standards, they might face negative results for underperformance. A transactional structure limits creativity but creates consistent work quality and output.

Other transactional leadership components are:

A significant example of real-world transactional leadership is in athletic teams. Players who follow the coaches’ rules are rewarded with wins and prizes. But if they underperform or lose their games, leaders might punish them with extra practice time or rigorous exercises. Vince Lombardi, a coach for the Green Bay Packers, had a reputation for using a transactional leadership style.

Transactional leaders can bring benefits to workplaces like:

However, transactional leadership strategies are usually less effective in creative workplaces. Employees don’t have opportunities to use their own methods or suggest new ideas. Depending on a worker’s temperament, the rigid rules might create a negative work environment.

5. Participative Leadership

Participative leadership, also known as democratic leadership, involves leaders seeking and listening to employee input. These leaders value employee opinions and consult them before making any major decisions. Workers feel valued and appreciated, resulting in more workplace collaboration and engagement. Democratic leaders are inclusive, communicative, understanding and able to share power with others.

Participative leaders also value these ideals:

Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo, often displays a participative leadership style. She regularly asks employees about their opinions and feelings on business strategies. In one instance, she handwrote letters to employees’ families, thanking them for their family member’s contributions to the company.

In addition, participative leaders can provide benefits like:

One disadvantage of participative leadership is it can often be time-consuming. The democratic process has many steps — gathering employees, listening to feedback, considering the input and finalizing a decision. Completing this procedure every time can lengthen work projects and strain resources.

6. Servant Leadership

A servant leadership strategy puts others’ needs first. These leaders create close bonds with team members, learning their strengths and personal goals. Servant leaders place employee satisfaction and enjoyment above efficiency or other workplace standards. They base decisions on what benefits the entire team or encourages growth. Similar to participative and transformational leaders, servant leaders also use motivational techniques to inspire their unit members.

Servant leaders display these traits when communicating with workers:

Martin Luther King, Jr. is a strong example of a servant leader. He placed the needs of others first and inspired a non-violent approach during the Civil Rights Movement. His dedication to social justice for African Americans encouraged significant changes in the following years.

Servant leadership brings many advantages, such as:

One challenge of servant leadership is feelings of burnout. These leaders might prioritize others’ needs so often that they neglect their own needs.

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How to Determine Your Leadership Style

Understanding your leadership style can help you improve your technique. If you’re uncertain of which style represents you most, you can use various strategies to narrow down the options:

Contact Exude Human Capital Today

At Exude Human Capital, we understand the importance of strong leadership techniques. We offer a wide range of consulting services to help organizations reach their best. If you’re seeking leadership guidance or wondering how to find your leadership style, explore our leadership development training opportunities today. We can help you build the necessary skills to connect with employees, respond to challenges and inspire change.

To get started with Exude Human Capital, contact us today.

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